San Francisco Building Department Updates

Some exciting improvements and developments at the Building Department have been published in the past few weeks including the guidelines for adaptive reuse projects converting downtown commercial offices into multi-family residential buildings and a streamlined ADU review process. See below for the direct updates from San Francisco Department of Building Inspection.

Converting Downtown Commercial Offices into Multi-Family Residential

Multiple agencies came together to work on final guidelines for commercial to residential adaptive re-use projects and the result is a thoughtful and comprehensive clarification of building code provisions and local equivalency processes that may present developers and design professionals options which could enable many more potential projects to pencil out without sacrificing code compliance.

Throughout this incredibly extensive information sheet, the authors did a great job of providing clear and detailed information on how to approach equivalencies for building envelope, exterior walls and openings, means of egress, ventilation, lighting, unit size, earthquake safety, accessibility, high-rise and low-rise structures, use of the California Historic Building Code, and the San Franciscos Green building code. Some of the highlights include the following:

  • Dwelling unit sizes may meet the minimum size for new construction instead of the larger dimensions required for existing buildings. This will require approval of local equivalency through the SFDBI Administrative Bulletin AB-005 process.
  • Qualified historic buildings are permitted to use existing fire escapes per CHBC 8-502.5 where the fire escapes are inspected and improved to comply with SFDBI Administrative Bulletin AB-019.
  • Existing elevators in low-rise buildings can remain unchanged in a downtown adaptive reuse project and do not need to be upgraded to meet the current code requirements for gurney size, hoistway construction or Firefighters Emergency Operation.
  • High-rise structures over 120’ that do not have fire safe access elevators or do not house two elevator banks, and a hardship to install a new fire safe access elevator exists, may propose alternative equivalent facilitations to satisfy CBC 3003 FSAE.
  • Link to full Information Sheet G-29.

ADU Roundtable

The City has also recently launched a new service to streamline and speed up the review and issuance of Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) building permits submitted through the State or Hybrid Program.

The Permit Review Roundtable will quickly and efficiently review plans, provide feedback and answer compliance questions during a live virtual meeting. A 45-minute roundtable meeting will be held on Mondays with the ADU project’s design professional, the Department of Building Inspection (DBI), the Planning Department, SF Fire, Public Works and the Public Utilities Commission. Both the adaptive re-use guidelines and the relaunch of the ADU round table process are continued evidence of the hard work behind the scenes by City staff to improve their partnership with the development community.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Manager, Post Entitlement Division Gillian Allen.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient.  Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein.  Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm.  We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law.  We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.

2024 State Housing Legislation Preview


During its 2024 legislative session, the California State Legislature again passed a variety of laws aimed at increasing housing production.  As this new housing legislation heads to Governor Newsom’s desk to be either vetoed or signed into law, here is a preview of nine housing bills which could soon become law:

Streamlining Laws

  • AB 2243 (Wicks): AB 2011 amendments. This bill would update the Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022 (AB 2011), which allowed for streamlined residential development on parcels abutting commercial corridors where office, retail, or parking are principally permitted uses.  If enacted, this bill would update the Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022 (AB 2011, Cal Gov Code Sec. 65912.100, et. Seq.).  Among other changes, this bill would expand program eligibility to sites up to 100 acres that contain a regional mall; expand the definition of “urban uses” [which must abut 75% of a qualifying site’s perimeter] to include parking lots and public parks surrounded by other urban uses; and revise the definition of “dedicated to industrial use” so that it applies only to sites which currently contain industrial use, were most recently permitted as industrial and occupied with such use within the past three years, or were designated for industrial use in the jurisdiction’s most recent general plan adopted before 2022 (except where residential uses are also principally permitted).  Further, AB 2243 would allow projects within five hundred (500) feet of a freeway, provided they meet certain ventilation and HVAC requirements.
  • AB 1893 (Wicks): Builders Remedy update. This bill would amend what’s known as the Builder’s Remedy: a provision of the Housing Accountability Act (HAA).  As amended, the Builder’s Remedy would generally prohibit local governments that have failed to adopt a compliant Housing Element from disapproving residential projects that provide either one hundred percent (100%) of units affordable to lower-income or moderate-income households; thirteen percent (13%) are affordable to lower-income households; ten percent (10%) are affordable to very-low income households; or seven percent (7%) are affordable to extremely-low income households.  This affordability requirement would not apply to projects with ten (10) or fewer units located on a site smaller than one (1) acre with a minimum density of ten (10) units per acre.  AB 1893 would also set some new site eligibility restrictions; establish maximum and minimum density limits; and allow qualifying developments to use an existing streamlining program such as AB-2011 or SB-423, as well as State Density Bonus Law.  Importantly, projects that are currently seeking Builder’s Remedy relief and filed applications with a local jurisdiction before January 1, 2025 may proceed under the original Builder’s Remedy law.
  • SB 1123 (Caballero): More flexibility for residential subdivisions up to 10 units. This bill would amend the Starter Home Revitalization Act of 2021 (Cal. Gov. Code Sec. 65852.28 & 66499.41), which allows ministerial approval for subdivisions with ten (10) or fewer units on parcels of five (5) acres or less, zoned for multifamily residential use, and surrounded by qualified urban uses.  Among other changes, this bill would extend the Act to vacant sites up to 1.5 acres that are zoned for single-family housing.  It would also provide that ADUs and JADUs (if permitted) would not count toward the 10-unit maximum.  If signed into law, these changes would become effective as of July 1, 2025.

Development Fees

  • SB 937 (Weiner): Delaying payment of certain development fees. This bill would amend the Mitigation Fee Act (Cal. Gov. Code 66007, et. seq.).  Among other changes, it would delay assessment of development impact fees on certain housing developments until issuance of a first certificate of occupancy or first temporary certificate of occupancy.  Further, it would limit the amount of utility service fees that can be collected at the time an application is received for a residential project to costs incurred by the utility related to the connection.
  • AB 1820 (Schiavo): Fee estimates for residential development. This bill would allow residential developers to request that a local agency provide a preliminary fee and exaction estimate at the time an SB 330 preliminary application is submitted. If requested, the local agency would be required to provide the estimate within thirty (30) business days.  Within thirty (30) business days of final project approval, the local agency would also be required to provide an itemized list and good faith estimate of all applicable fees and extractions.
  • SB 1210 (Skinner): Greater transparency for utility fees and timeframes. This bill would require certain publicly-owned utilities to post the following information on their websites by January 1, 2026: (1) a schedule of fee estimates for typical service connection fees; and (2) estimated timeframes for completing typical service connections for a variety of residential developments including ADUs, single-family homes, multifamily, and mixed-use developments.

Entitlement and Permit Extensions

  • AB 2729 (Patterson): Entitlement extension for certain projects. This bill would extend entitlements for housing developments that were issued prior to and in effect on or before January 1, 2024, and that are set to expire before December 31, 2025, by eighteen (18) months.  AB 2729 would apply to a broad range of entitlements including legislative approvals; administrative approvals; ministerial approvals; and building permits, but would not apply to development agreements, SB-330 preliminary housing applications, or tentative maps that have already been approved for at least twenty-four (24) months under the Government Code.  The area of qualifying housing development projects must be at least two-thirds residential.
  •  AB 2117 (Patterson): Tolling expiration dates. This bill would toll the expiration of certain local entitlements during the time when an action challenging them is pending.  AB 2117 tolling would apply to approvals including variances, conditional use permits, and any other development permits, but not to building permits issued under state or local code, demolition permits, minor or standard excavation and grading permits, or other nondiscretionary permits required post-entitlement prior to construction.


  • SB 1211 (Skinner): Expanding state ADU law. This bill would increase the number of detached ADUs eligible for a ministerial approval on a lot that has an existing multifamily dwelling from two (2) detached ADUs to no more than eight (8) detached ADUs, provided that the number of ADUs does not exceed the number of existing dwelling units on the lot.  It would also prohibit local agencies from imposing objective development or design standards that are not authorized by state law on ADUs subject to ministerial approval, or from requiring the replacement of parking spaces if uncovered parking is eliminated to construct an ADU.

The Governor has until September 30, 2024, to either sign or veto legislation passed during the California State Legislature’s 2024 legislative session.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Attorney, Alex Klein, and Partner, Melinda Sarjapur.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient. Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein. Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm. We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law. We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.

Local Governments Given Broad Power to Authorize ADU Sales


As recently as last month, existing state law prohibited the sale of accessory dwelling units (“ADU”) from being sold or conveyed separately from the primary residence, except under specific circumstances where the ADU was built or developed by a qualified nonprofit corporation and held pursuant to a recorded tenancy-in-common agreement meeting certain requirements. Thanks to new state legislation – and depending on the city – the right of property owners to sell ADUs separate from primary residences has been considerably broadened. Drafted by Assemblyman Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) and signed into law on October 11, Assembly Bill 1033 provides a path forward for participating cities to adopt legislation authorizing the purchase and sale of ADUs as condominiums, regardless of whether the contractor was a qualified nonprofit or the manner in which the property is owned. The following summarizes the requirements of AB 1033 and provides guidance for homeowners in utilizing this change in law.

With respect to the construction of ADUs, Government Code § 65852.2 allows local agencies, by ordinance, to provide for the creation of ADUs in areas zoned for single-family or multifamily dwelling residential use. Among other requirements, any such ordinance must (i) designate areas within the jurisdiction of the local agency where accessory dwelling units may be permitted, (ii) impose certain objective standards on ADUs (such as parking, height, setback, landscape, architectural review, and maximum size), (iii) provide that ADUs do not exceed the allowable density for the lot upon which the ADU is located, and (iv) require ADUs be for residential use consistent with the existing general plan and zoning designation for its lot.

AB 1033 now allows cities to adopt ordinances that authorize the sale of ADUs – constructed in compliance with Gov. Code § 65852.2 – as condominiums, provided such ordinances meet the following requirements:

(1) The condominiums are created pursuant to the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, the state’s statutory scheme governing residential condominiums.

(2) The condominiums are created in conformance with all applicable objective requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, which governs subdivision mapping, and all objective requirements of applicable local subdivision ordinances.

(3) Before recordation of the condominium plan, a safety inspection of the ADU must be conducted, evidenced either through (i) a certificate of occupancy from the local agency or (ii) a housing quality standards report from a building inspector certified by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

(4) Each lienholder of the applicable property must consent to the recording of a subdivision map and condominium plan before either of those documents may be recorded. With respect to lienholder consent, a lienholder may (i) refuse to give consent, or (ii) give consent provided that any terms and conditions required by the lienholder are satisfied.

(5) Prior to recordation of the condominium plan (or any amendments thereto), written evidence of the lienholder’s consent must be provided to the county recorder along with the following signed statement from each lienholder:

“(Name of lienholder) hereby consents to the recording of this condominium plan in their sole and absolute discretion and the borrower has or will satisfy any additional terms and conditions the lienholder may have.”

(6) The lienholder’s consent must be included on the condominium plan or a separate form attached to the condominium plan (and include certain information required by statute), and must be recorded in the office of the applicable county recorder.

(7) The local agency must also include a statutory notice to consumers on any ADU submittal checklist or public information issued describing requirements and permitting for accessory dwelling units.[1]

(8) If an accessory dwelling unit is established as a condominium, the local government must require the homeowner to notify utility providers of the condominium creation and separate conveyance.

(9) For owners of a property or a separate interest within an existing planned development with an existing association, as defined in Section 4080 of the Civil Code, such owners may not record a condominium plan without the written authorization by the association.

Under AB 1033, an ADU may be sold or otherwise conveyed separate from the primary residence where the above conditions are satisfied. While this is certainly an encouraging development in the fight to overcome the state housing crisis, many questions remain.

AB 1033 will only be as effective as the cities that choose to adopt the necessary legislation providing for the separate conveyance of ADUs as condominiums. As of this writing, the City of Santa Monica has passed a resolution directing staff to draft a conforming ordinance for consideration. No city has yet enacted an AB 1033-compliant ordinance.

Beyond the issue of city participation, the appetite of lienholders to consent to the mapping and sale of ADUs as condominiums is unclear. If the condominiumization of ADUs were to reduce the value of the principal residences acting as a secured asset, lenders may decline consent or grant consent while imposing onerous conditions on property owners.

Further, the market for the sale of ADUs as condominiums is an unknown quantity. It may prove difficult for property owners to sell ADUs as a condominium separate from a primary residence, and vice versa. Purchasing either interest would also subject owners to the rules and regulations applicable to homeowners’ associations, which can prove tricky for small, two-member associations, particularly when disputes arise.

Homeowners looking to sell ADUs should contact their local city officials and request information regarding the prospects for local adoption of an ordinance now authorized pursuant to California Government Code § 65852.2.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the mechanics and implications of AB 1033, please contact Michael Corbett from Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP, at 415.567.9000 or

[1] See Gov. Code § 65852.2(a)(1)(10)(E) for the required notice.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Attorney Michael Corbett.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient.  Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein.  Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm.  We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law.  We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.

AB 1033 – How to Implement New State ADU Condominium Law

AB 1033

New! Casita Guidance for Establishing Local ADU Condo Ordinances

As of January 1st, 2025, the ban on separate sale of ADUs will be lifted in state law. Cities and counties who want to opt in and allow these entry-level homeownership opportunities through separate sale of ADUs as condos will need to update their municipal codes. The Casita Coalition and Reuben, Junius, and Rose, LLP have developed this guidance to assist and encourage local agencies in establishing procedures and policies to re-enable Californians priced out of many of our communities to once again have a dream of buying a home, by enabling more naturally affordable condominiums for sale.

Download Memo

2023 Housing Legislation Round-Up


Like last year, 2023 was a stellar year for housing legislation in California. Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law more than forty-five bills related to housing and housing production. Below is a brief overview of thirteen housing bills signed by the Governor becoming effective January 1, 2024, relating to the State Density Bonus Law, housing policies, and parking.

Density Bonus Law Updates

  • AB 1287 (Alvarez) Additional Density Bonus Layer. This bill adds another density bonus layer option to the State Density Bonus Law. If additional very low income or moderate income units are provided, a project is eligible to receive up to an additional 20% to 50% density bonus on top of the base density bonus, provided no more than 50% of the total units would be restricted as affordable. In addition, this bill alters the definition of “maximum allowable residential density” to mean the greatest number of units allowed under the zoning ordinance, specific plan, or land use element of the general plan, or, if a range of density is permitted, the greatest number of units allowed by the range. This bill clarifies that a local government is not prohibited from requiring reasonable documentation to establish eligibility for a requested density bonus and parking ratios. This bill also authorizes up to four incentives or concessions for projects that include at least 16% of the units for very low income households or at least 45% of the units for moderate income households in for sale projects.
  • SB 713 (Padilla) Development Standard Definition Adjustment. This bill amends the definition of “development standard” to include regulations adopted by a local government or enacted by the local government’s electorate. SB 713 codifies a recent technical assistance memorandum from the Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) that explicitly re-states existing law, that local governments cannot impose standards that stop state density bonus projects from moving forward.

California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”)

  • SB 423 (Wiener) SB 35 Extension and Expansion. This bill extends SB 35 (2017, Wiener), which is currently set to expire January 1, 2026, and expands its applicably, including into the coastal zone. A more robust overview of SB 423 can be found here.
  • AB 1449 (Alvarez) 100% Affordable Housing Exemption. This bill, until January 1, 2033, exempts 100% affordable housing projects from CEQA. While there are other tools available to make 100% affordable housing projects ministerial and not subject to CEQA, e.g., SB 35 (2017, Wiener), there are no workforce standards tethered to AB 1449.
  • AB 1633 (Ting) Housing Accountability Act Protection Extended to CEQA Review. This bill would expand the Housing Accountability Act’s definition of “disapprove the housing development project” to include any instance when a local agency fails to issue an exemption, fails to adopt a negative declaration or addendum for the project, or certify an environmental impact report or another comparable environmental document. This bill also clarifies “that attorney’s fees and costs shall rarely, if ever, be awarded if a local agency, acting in good faith, approved a housing development project.” The bill’s provisions sunset January 1, 2031.

Accessory Dwelling Units (“ADUs”)

  • AB 976 (Ting) No Owner-Occupancy Requirement. This bill makes permanent an existing prohibition to imposing an owner-occupancy requirement on an ADU that sunsets January 1, 2025.
  • AB 1033 (Ting) ADU Condominiumization. This bill allows a local jurisdiction to permit condominiumization and sale of ADUs separate from the primary residence.
  • AB 1332 (Carillo) Pre-Approved ADU Plan Sets. This bill requires jurisdictions, by January 1, 2025, to develop a program for the preapproval of ADU plans. This bill also requires local governments to approve a detached ADU project utilizing preapproved plans within thirty days.

Housing Policies

  • SB 439 (Skinner) Priority Housing Development Projects. This bill would allow a party to bring a motion to strike any part of a pleading in a lawsuit challenging approval of a priority housing development project within sixty days of service of the complaint or administrative record. A “priority housing development” is defined as a 100% low income affordable project.
  • AB 1218 (Lowenthal) SB 330 Amendments. This bill tweaks SB 330 (2019, Skinner) extending the protected unit demolition and replacement controls, which currently only apply to housing development projects, to projects that are not considered housing developments. This bill would also place the restrictions on demolition of protected units and replacement requirements into separate provisions (Government Code Sections 66300.5 and 66300.6) that will apply permanently. Those controls would otherwise become inoperative on January 1, 2030.
  • AB 1485 (Haney) State Intervention in Actions Involving Violations of Housing Laws. This bill grants the Attorney General and HCD an unconditional right to intervene in any lawsuit filed over a potential violation of an enumerated list of state housing laws, including, among others, the Housing Accountability ActHousing Crisis Act of 2019, and the Density Bonus Law.
  • AB 572 (Haney) HOA Assessment Limits for Affordable Units. This bill places a cap on assessment increases a condominium homeowners association (“HOA”) could impose on a deed-restricted affordable unit, subject to certain exceptions. A more robust overview of AB 572 can be found here.

Parking Controls

  • AB 1308 (Quirk-Silva) Parking Requirements for Single-Family Homes. This bill prohibits a local jurisdiction’s ability to increase the applicable minimum parking requirements that applies to a single-family residence as a condition of approval of a project to remodel, renovate, or add to a single-family residence, provided it does not cause the single-family residence to exceed any maximum size limit imposed by the applicable zoning regulations, including, but not limited to, height, lot coverage, and floor-to-area ratio. This bill complements AB 916 (2022, Salas), which prohibits cities from requiring a public hearing as a condition of reconfiguring space to increase bedroom count within an existing dwelling unit.
  • AB 1317 (Carrillo) Unbundled Parking for Residential Property. This bill requires landlords to “unbundle” parking costs from rent for leases or rental agreements for residential property in Alameda, Fresno, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Shasta, and Ventura counties, commencing or renewed on or after January 1, 2025.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Attorney Justin A. Zucker.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient.  Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein.  Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm.  We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law.  We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.

2023 California Legislation – Summer Recess Update


The California legislature reconvened yesterday, after taking a summer recess. As previously reported, this year’s legislative session is packed full of pending bills with far reaching changes to land use controls and local controls of such. In this update, I provide the status of bills introduced related to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State Density Bonus Law, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), parking, and housing policies. Bills previously reported in 2023 Legislation at a Glance – Part 1 or Part 2 and not discussed below failed to leave their house of origin and advance to their second house.


Many of the previously reported CEQA bills have failed to advance out of their house of origin. There are, however, some CEQA bills advancing through their second house to note, including:

  • AB 1307 (Wicks and Luz Rivas) Residents’ Noise Not A Significant Effect. This bill, which appears to be in response to the University of Berkeley People’s Park project hang up, would amend CEQA to clarify that for residential projects, noise generated by the unamplified voices of residents is not a significant effect on the environment. A mirror bill, AB 1700(Hoover) failed to advance.
  • AB 1449 (Alvarez) 100% Affordable Housing Exemption. This bill would, until January 1, 2033, exempt 100% affordable housing projects from CEQA. While there are other tools available to make 100% affordable housing projects ministerial and not subject to CEQA, e.g., SB 35 (2017, Weiner), there are no workforce standards tethered to AB 1449.
  • AB 356 (Mathis) Aesthetics Not a Significant Effect. This bill would extend the current regulation, set to sunset January 1, 2024, that aesthetic impacts are not considered significant effects on the environment for housing projects involving the refurbishment, conversion, repurposing, or replacement of an existing building.
  • SB 393 (Glazer) CEQA Litigation Underwriting Disclosures. This bill would require, upon request, a petitioner of an action attacking a project’s CEQA compliance to identify every person or entity that contributes in excess of $10,000 to the costs of the action.

State Density Bonus Law:

AB 1287 (Alvarez) Additional Density Bonus. This bill would allow up to an additional 50% density bonus for projects that (1) maximize the very low income, low income, or moderate-income units permitted under the current State Density Bonus Law and (2) provide up to 15% additional moderate-income units. A bonus up to 38.75% can be obtained by providing 10% very low-income units. 100% affordable projects would be eligible to receive five incentives or concessions. Previously, this bill was to modify the State Density Bonus Law to supersede the California Coastal Act of 1976 and up to six incentives or concessions for certain projects, but those provisions were removed.

AB 323 (Holden) Restricting Use of For-Sale Units as Rentals. This bill has progressed intact; it would prohibit a developer from offering a for-sale unit constructed pursuant to a local inclusionary zoning ordinance to a purchaser that intends to rent the unit to families of extremely low, very low, low-, and moderate-income families, unless the developer can prove that none of the applicants for owner-occupancy can qualify for the unit. Any violation would be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $15,000.


All but one of the bills previously reported on pertaining to ADUs (AB 1661) have left their house of origin and are advancing through their respective second house. The bills that advanced include:

  • AB 1033 (Ting) ADU Condominiumization. This bill would allow a local jurisdiction to permit condominiumization and sale of ADUs separate from the primary residence.
  • AB 1332 (Carillo) Pre-Approved ADU Plan Sets. This bill would require jurisdictions, by January 1, 2025, to develop a program for the preapproval of ADUs plans. Initially six sets of preapproved plans were to be prepared, but as amended, no amount to be published is set.
  • AB 976 (Ting) No Owner-Occupancy Requirement. This bill would make permanent an existing prohibition to imposing an owner-occupancy requirement on an ADU that sunsets January 1, 2025.
  • SB 477 (Committee on Housing) ADU Chapter. This bill would create a new Government Code chapter to house state ADU regulations. It has been amended to take effect immediately as an urgency statute.

Parking Controls:

All three bills relaxing parking controls previously reported on have advanced to their second house:

  • AB 1317 (Carrillo) Unbundled Parking for Residential Property. This bill would require landlords to “unbundle” parking costs from rent for leases or rental agreements for residential property in Alameda, Fresno, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Shasta, and Ventura counties, commencing or renewed on or after January 1, 2025.
  • AB 1308 (Quirk-Silva) Parking Requirements for Single-Family Homes. This bill would prohibit a local jurisdiction’s ability to increase the applicable minimum parking requirements of a single-family residence as a condition of approval to remodel, renovate, or add to a single-family residence.
  • AB 894 (Friedman) Shared Parking. This bill would provide a pathway to activate underutilized parking (as defined) as shared parking spaces with other users, which would count toward meeting any automobile parking requirement.

Housing Policies:

While several previously reported housing bills have failed to advance, several have made it on to their second house, including:

AB 1485 (Haney) State Intervention in Actions Involving Violations of Housing Laws. This bill would grant the Attorney General an unconditional right to intervene in any lawsuit filed over a potential violation of an enumerated list of state housing laws, including, among others, the Housing Accountability ActHousing Crisis Act of 2019, and the Density Bonus Law. This bill was amended to allow both the Attorney General and the Department of Housing and Community Development to intervene.

AB 1633 (Ting) Housing Accountability Act Protection Extended to CEQA Review. This bill would expand the Housing Accountability Act’s definition of “disapprove the housing development project” to include any instance when a local agency fails to issue an exemption, fails to adopt a negative declaration or addendum for the project, or certify an environmental impact report or another comparable environmental document. This bill was amended to include a sunset date of January 1, 2031.

SB 423 (Weiner) SB 35 Extension and Expansion. This bill would extend SB 35 (2017, Weiner), which is currently set to expire January 1, 2026, and expand its applicably as previously discussed. While the bill has remained intact, SB 423 has been amended with significant additions as follows:

  • Limited Duration. Initially, SB 423’s extension was to be permanent but has since been limited to sunset January 1, 2036.
  • Labor Standards. Skilled and trained workforce provisions are required for projects having habitable space above 85 feet in height.
  • Local Enforcement. The bill would allow localities to take administrative action or sue a construction contractor for failure to comply with the ordinance’s workforce standards.
  • Community Engagement. In areas designated as either a moderate resource area, low resource area, or an area of high segregation, a public meeting must be held before application submittal to provide an opportunity for the public and local government to comment on the project.

AB 1218 (Lowenthal) SB 330 Amendments. This bill would tweak SB 330 (2019, Skinner) by extending the protected unit demolition and replacement controls, which currently only apply to housing development projects, also to projects that are not considered housing developments. This bill would also place the restrictions on demolition of protected units and replacement requirements into a separate provision that will apply permanently, which otherwise would become inoperative on January 1, 2030.

We will continue to track these import pieces of legislation. September 14, 2023, is the last day for each house to pass bills. October 14, 2023, is the last day for Governor Newson to sign or veto bills timely passed by the legislature. Please stay tuned later this fall for a repeat of last year’s 2022 Housing Legislation Round-Up with a summary of relevant 2023 legislation signed into law. If you have any questions regarding any of the pieces of proposed legislation, please reach out to me.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Attorney Justin A. Zucker.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient.  Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein.  Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm.  We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law.  We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.

New State Laws Affecting Condo Homeowners Associations


There are relatively fewer new state laws affecting condominium homeowners associations (“HOAs”) in 2023 than in recent years. However, one particular bill was passed by the California State legislature that includes important changes condominium owners and HOAs should be aware of.  Assembly Bill 1410 made a few significant changes to the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, which is the primary state law affecting condos and HOAs.  These new laws became effective January 1, 2023.

As we have previously reported over the past few years, the state legislature has been making an effort to increase affordable housing in the state.  To that end, the ability of HOAs to restrict rentals of condo units has been curtailed.  Assembly Bill 3182, passed in 2020, amended Civil Code Section 4740 to limit the power of HOAs to enforce restrictions on a homeowner’s ability to rent his or her unit.  AB 3182 also added new Civil Code Section 4741, which provides that HOAs cannot require a minimum rental term of greater than thirty (30) days.  Section 4741 also states that HOAs cannot enforce a cap on the number of units that may be rented at greater than 25%.  Units that are owner-occupied where only a portion of the unit is rented, or an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) that is part of the unit is rented, do not count towards any such rental cap.  The effect of this is to limit restrictions on rental of ADUs and a unit owner’s ability to rent rooms in his or her unit.

AB 1410 furthers the state legislature’s objective of increasing affordable housing by adding a new section 4739 to the Civil Code.  Section 4739 provides that an HOA’s governing documents cannot prohibit an owner from renting out a portion of his or her unit so long as the owner occupies the unit and the rental term is for more than 30 days.  This has the effect of allowing more short term rentals so long as the rental period is for more than 30 days.

AB 1410 also amends Civil Code Section 4515 to provide that an HOA’s governing documents cannot prohibit a member or resident from exercising free speech by using social media or other online resources to discuss certain matters, even if the content is critical of the HOA or its governance. Such matters include development living, HOA elections, proposed legislation, government elections, and other issues of concern to members and residents of the community.  This does not mean an HOA has to provide any social media or other online resources to its members, and an HOA does not have to allow members to post content on the HOA’s website.  This new law seems to be fixing a problem that is not widespread, but has become an issue in some HOA communities.

Finally, AB 1410 prohibits an HOA from pursuing any enforcement actions for a violation of its governing documents during a declared state or local emergency if the nature of the emergency makes it unsafe or impossible for the owner to either prevent or fix the violation.  The only exception is an enforcement action relating to an owner’s nonpayment of assessments to the HOA.  This rule is clearly intended to give homeowners some leeway to comply with an HOA’s governing documents during government imposed emergency declarations.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Attorney Jay Drake.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient.  Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein.  Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm.  We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law.  We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.

2023 Legislation at a Glance – Part 2


As reported last week, this legislative session is packed full of pending bills with far reaching changes to land use controls and local control of such. In Part 1, we discussed some of the most significant bills introduced impacting the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State Density Bonus Law, and removal of an only in San Francisco allowance to appeal a building permit after a qualifying residential project receives entitlement. Here, in Part 2, we discuss significant bills introduced related to housing, parking, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and other land use-related policies.

Accessory Dwelling Units

Since their introduction into housing nomenclature by former Bay Area lawmaker Senator Bob Wieckowski (D-Fremont) in 2016 with SB 1069 along with companion AB 2299 (Bloom), ADUs have become somewhat of a darling child in the housing production world. Over the years, several bills have passed intended to increase the production of ADUs. A few include a package – AB 68 (Ting), AB 587 (Friedman), AB 670 (Friedman), AB 671 (Friedman), AB 881 (Bloom), and SB 13 (Wieckowski) – enacted in 2019 and another pair of bills from 2022 – AB 2221 (Quirk-Silva) and SB 897 (Wieckowski). This year, we see proposals for further relaxation of controls on ADUs, including:

  • AB 1033 (Ting) would allow a local jurisdiction to permit condominiumization and sale of ADUs separate from the primary residence.
  • AB 1332 (Carillo) would require jurisdictions, by April 2025, to publish six sets of permit ready floor plans (studio, 1-bedroom, and 2-bedroom, in both standard and reverse formats) for detached ADUs.
  • AB 1661 (Bonta) would remove the requirement that an ADU be individually metered for electrical and gas service and allow for an ADU to use existing or upgraded meters on the property.
  • AB 976 (Ting) would make permanent an existing prohibition to imposing an owner-occupancy requirement on an ADU that sunsets January 1, 2025.
  • SB 477 (Committee on Housing) would create a new Government Code chapter to house state ADU regulations.

Constitutional Amendments

There are two noteworthy Constitutional Amendments being proposed this legislative session.

ACA 1 (Aguilar-Curry) Affordable Housing Bond Approval Threshold. Would lower the necessary voter threshold for approving affordable housing bonds from a two-thirds supermajority to 55%. This appears to be a set up for a forthcoming affordable housing bond (AB 1657, Wicks), slated to go before the voters in fall of 2024.

ACA 10 (Haney) Housing a Fundamental Right. Would amend the Constitution to declare that the state recognizes the fundamental human right to adequate housing for everyone in California. The amendment would impose a shared obligation on the state and local jurisdictions to respect, protect, and fulfill this right, by all appropriate means, including legislative action.

Relaxing of Parking Controls

In recent years, there has been an effort to reduce minimum parking controls. Last year, AB 2097 (Friedman) removed a local jurisdiction’s ability to impose any minimum parking requirements on residential or commercial development located within one-half mile of public transit (as defined). This year there is a trio of bills that will further relax parking controls local jurisdictions may impose:

  • AB 1317 (Carrillo) would require landlords to “unbundle” parking costs from rent from leases or rental agreements for residential property commencing or renewed on or after January 1, 2024.
  • AB 1308 (Quirk-Silva) would prohibit a local jurisdiction’s ability to increase the applicable minimum parking requirements of a single-family residence as a condition of approval to remodel, renovate, or add to a single-family residence.
  • AB 894 (Friedman) would allow properties with underutilized parking (as defined) to share spaces with other users, which would count toward meeting any automobile parking requirement.

Housing Policies

AB 1485 (Haney) Attorney General Right To Intervene in Actions Involving Violations of State Housing Laws. This bill would grant the Attorney General an unconditional right to intervene in any lawsuit filed over a potential violation of an enumerated list of state housing laws, including, among others, the Housing Accountability Act, Housing Crisis Act of 2019, and the Density Bonus Law.

AB 1532 (Haney) Streamlined Office to Residential Conversions. This bill would allow by-right, ministerial office to residential conversion projects statewide and limit fees and design requirements that local governments can impose on conversions. It would also allow an applicant to pay applicable impact fees over a ten-year period. It includes a skilled and trained workforce requirement. This bill has been converted to a two-year bill and we will likely not see any movement on it until next year.

AB 1633 (Ting) Housing Accountability Act Protection Extended to CEQA Review. This bill would expand the Housing Accountability Act’s definition of “disapprove the housing development project” to include any instance when a local agency fails to issue an exemption, fails to adopt a negative declaration or addendum for the project, or certify an environmental impact report or another comparable environmental document.

AB 281 (Grayson) Streamlining Post-Entitlement Permits. This bill would extend the post-entitlement permit timelines created by AB 2234 (2022, Rivas) to special districts. AB 2234 imposes the following timelines for review of post-entitlement applications for housing projects: (1) for projects with 25 units or fewer, a local agency shall complete first review and comment within 30 days of an application completion; and (2) for projects with 26 or more units, a local agency shall complete first review and comment within 60 days of an application completion.

AB 821 (Grayson) General Plan Consistency. This bill would provide that, in the event a local jurisdiction fails to amend a zoning ordinance to be consistent with the general plan within 90 days of receiving written notice of the inconsistency, a proposed development project cannot be deemed inconsistent with that zoning ordinance and cannot be required to be rezoned, if there is substantial evidence that (1) the proposed project is consistent with objective general plan standards and (2) the zoning for the project site is inconsistent with the general plan.

AB 919 (Karla) Stable Homes Act – Tenant Opportunity to Purchase. This bill would require a residential property owner, including owners of single-family homes, to (1) provide notice of their intent to sell the residential real property to each tenant and qualified entities and (2) allow each qualified entity ten days to give notice of interest and either 60 or 40 days to submit an offer to purchase to the owner. For a single-family residential property, the qualified entity must provide existing tenants eighteen months to purchase the entire residential property or to purchase improvements if the underlying land is to be retained by a community land trust.

SB 294 (Weiner) Minimum Floor Area Ratio Limits. This bill would expand the minimum floor area ratio (FAR) standards under state law that currently only apply to projects providing up to 10 units, to apply to all housing projects. The bill would prohibit municipalities from imposing an FAR limit less than 2.5 on housing projects providing 11-20 units. For housing projects over 20 units, it would prohibit an FAR limit less than 1.25 for every ten units.

SB 423 (Weiner) SB 35 Extension and Expansion. This bill would permanently extend SB 35 (2017, Weiner), which is currently set to expire January 1, 2026, and expand its applicably as discussed below:

  • Eligibility. This bill would allow SB 35 projects (1) in the coastal zone and (2) on wetlands or protected habitat if authorized by any other state or federal law. It would also apply in cities that have failed to adopt complaint housing elements as determined by HCD.
  • Labor Standards. This bill would remove the skilled and trained workforce requirement. Instead, the requirement to pay prevailing wages will remain, and on projects over 50 units, contractors would be required to offer apprentices employment and cover health care expenditures.
  • Clarifications. This bill clarifies that the planning director or other equivalent local government staff is required to make determinations about compliance with the objective planning standards, all departments required to weigh in on a project before granting entitlement must do such within SB 35’s time parameters (60 or 90 days depending on project size), prohibits the local government from requiring consultant studies to evaluate consistency with objective planning standards, removes references to public oversight from the design review process, and prohibits requiring compliance with any standards necessary to receive a postentitlement permit for purposes of the SB 35 approval.

SB 450 (Atkins) SB 9 Amendments. This bill would amend SB 9 (2021, Atkins), the fourplex/urban lot split legislation that took effect last year, by:

  • Removing the limitation on demolition of more than 25% of the existing exterior structural walls to be eligible for ministerial approval;
  • Prohibiting a local agency from imposing objective standards that do not apply uniformly to development within the underlying zoning or do not relate to the design or improvements of a parcel;
  • Removing the ability of a local jurisdiction to deny a SB 9 project if the building official makes a written finding that the proposed housing development project would have a specific, adverse impact on the physical environment;
  • Requiring the local agency to approve or deny a SB 9 application within 60 days from receiving a completed application; and
  • Requiring the local agency to provide a full set of comments to the applicant with a list of items that are defective or deficient and a description of how the application can be remedied by the applicant if it denies an application.

AB 1218 (Lowenthal) SB 330 Amendments. This bill would tweak SB 330 (2019, Skinner) by extending the protected unit demolition and replacement controls, which currently only apply to housing development projects, to projects that are not considered housing developments. This bill would also place the restrictions on demolition of protected units and replacement requirements into a separate provision that will apply permanently, which otherwise would become inoperative on January 1, 2030.

Land Use-Related Policies

SB 466 (Wahab) Rent Control Reform – 15-Year Look Back. This bill would amend Costa Hawkins to allow municipalities to apply rent control to properties that were issued a certificate of occupancy more than 15 years before the date the owner seeks to establish the rental rate. It would also remove the exemptions for properties that are alienable and separate from title to any other dwelling units, meaning rent control could be applied to single family homes and condos.

SB 745 (Cortese) Water Demand Reduction. This bill would require the California Building Standards Commission to propose mandatory building standards to reduce the potable water demand of new buildings by 25% from current mandatory design requirements and to minimize the use of potable water for nonpotable uses. The bill would require the Commission to adopt mandatory building standards for new buildings to be designed to capture graywater and use alternative water sources for nonpotable building and landscaping water uses.

SB 83 (Weiner) Electrical Grid Connection. This bill would require electrical utilities to connect, aka energize, a development project to the electrical grid within 8 weeks of the project being ready for interconnection (previously known as receiving a “green tag”). An alternative time period may be set and applies if an issue specific to the project or project site arises that would prevent the utility from safely completing the interconnection. This bill would further require a utility to compensate a development project applicant for failing to meet either the 8-week or the alternatively-set time period.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Attorneys Justin A. Zucker and Sabrina Eshaghi.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient.  Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein.  Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm.  We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law.  We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.

Oakland ADU Updates: Legalization Amnesty Program


As I previously reported, Oakland is in the process of updating its Planning Code regulations pertaining to accessory dwelling units (“ADUs”). On December 21, 2021, the Oakland City Council heard and passed on first reading legislation amending Oakland’s ADU controls (the, “Legislation”). The proposed amendments encourage ADU production by reducing barriers through the adoption of streamlined approval processes consistent with State law. One of the proposed programs by the Legislation is an amnesty program to legalize unpermitted ADUs established and occupied in Oakland prior to January 1, 2021.

The amnesty program consists of two elements that encourage the legalization of existing eligible unpermitted ADUs. First, a property owner may request a waiver from provisions of zoning or development standards, e.g., setbacks, that would preclude the preservation of an eligible unpermitted ADU.

Second, a property owner may request a five year delay in enforcement of Building Code requirements if the unpermitted ADU was built prior to the effective date of the Legislation. The ability to request a five year enforcement delay is available until January 1, 2030. Property owners would be allowed to bring their existing, eligible, unpermitted ADU into compliance with current Building Code standards without incurring any enforcement penalties or fines. This amnesty would last up to five years from the date the enforcement delay is granted, meaning the latest the five-year enforcement delay can be in effect for a specific ADU is December 31, 2034. Amnesty  does not apply to structures that pose an immediate risk to public health and safety.

In addition to creating an amnesty program for legalizing existing unpermitted ADUs, the Legislation makes several changes to the existing ADU development controls, including:

  • Category Three ADU. The Legislation establishes a new attached ADU category that may combine both converted space within an existing envelope of a multifamily building and a newly built addition to a building footprint.
  • Height Increase. Exceeding State law, the Legislation allows two-story ADUs up to a maximum height of 20 feet, as compared to 16 feet, if an ADU complies with the minimum four-foot side and rear setbacks required for detached ADUs.
  • Envelope Expansion. The Legislation permits additional envelope expansion as part of the conversion or replacement of an existing accessory structure on a small lot to allow construction of one internal conversion ADU. The ADU must have a total structural footprint no greater than 800 square feet, with the height of the addition no more than 16 feet. A “small lot” is defined as those no greater than 3,000 square feet or no greater than 35 feet in lot width mean.
  • Trees. The Legislation calls for project sponsors to plant one new tree on the subject lot or within the public right of way fronting the subject lot per every 500 square feet of detached ADU floor area.
  • ADUs in Front Setback. Consistent with State law, the Legislation permits one ADU of a minimum size of 800 square feet, up to 16 feet in height, in the front setback if the lot’s configuration precludes creation of the ADU anywhere else on the lot.
  • Multifamily Internal Conversion ADUs. The Legislation clarifies that multifamily properties are permitted one internal conversion ADU or up to a number equal to 25% of the existing units per multifamily building (not per lot). This clarification addresses situations where more than one multifamily building is located on a single lot. In which case, each multifamily building on the lot would be allowed to add internal conversion ADUs up to a number equal to 25% of existing units.

The Legislation is scheduled to return to the Oakland City Council for the second and final hearing for passage. Having been unanimously passed at the December 2021 Council meeting, it is anticipated that the Legislation will be finally passed by the Council next week. We will continue to monitor the Legislation and keep readers updated.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Attorney Justin A. Zucker.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient.  Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein.  Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm.  We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law.  We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.

Building Department and ADU Update


The Code Advisory Committee of the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection (“Building Department”) held a discussion with the public and with Building Department officials on December 8, 2021 to discuss concerns about the impact of suspending Information Sheet EG-02, which allowed a local equivalency for Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings (EEROs), opening into a yard with a minimum 25-foot depth. While the conversation did not result in an immediate solution, and the Building Department is unable to reinstate the equivalency because it is in direct violation of the building and fire codes, the Building Department stated their priority is to keep working with projects to try and find an alternate design. A recommendation was made that the Building Department work to create a task force to address this issue.

Ordinance 208-21: Additional Required Noticing for ADUs Now In Effect

On December 12, 2021, Ordinance No. 208-21, amending the Planning Code to clarify the requirements for applications to construct Accessory Dwelling Units (“ADU”) under the City’s local Accessory Dwelling Unit approval process, went into effect.

This Ordinance is intended, in part, to clarify the existing rules in the Rent Ordinance as to housing services. The term housing services refers to services provided by the landlord connected with the use or occupancy of a rental unit, including, but not limited to, access to areas such as garages, driveways, storage spaces, laundry rooms, decks, patios, gardens on the same lot, and kitchen facilities or lobbies in single room occupancy (SRO) hotels. This Ordinance clarifies that landlords may not sever, remove, or reduce housing services without just Notification.

Prior to submitting an ADU application, an owner must file a declaration with the Rent Board demonstrating the project will comply with the requirements of the Rent Control & Eviction Ordinance.

The declaration is to include: (1) a description of housing services supplied in connection with the use or occupancy of any units on the property that are located in the area of the property or building where the ADU would be constructed; (2) whether construction of the ADU would result in the severance, substantial reduction, or removal of any such housing services; and (3) whether any just causes for eviction would apply.

An owner must also mail or deliver notice to each unit (including unauthorized units) at the subject property at least 15 calendar days prior to submitting the application. The property owner shall submit proof of these notices to the Planning Department as part of the application to construct an ADU. These notices shall have a format and content determined by the Zoning Administrator, and shall generally describe the project, including the number and location of the proposed ADU(s), and shall include a copy of the written declaration required.

Tenants may contest the information in the declaration by petition to the Rent Board within 30 days after notice. The Rent Board will make determination and send to Planning within 90 days of receipt of petition.


Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Manager, Post Entitlement Division Gillian Allen.

The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient.  Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein.  Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm.  We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law.  We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.