This Week in San Francisco Land Use Nov. 4, 2009

Be on Alert for Bogus Business Solicitations The California Secretary of State has issued a warning regarding misleading solicitations sent to many business owners. These letters encourage business owners to […]

This Week in San Francisco Land Use

Planning Commissioners Open to Entitlement Extensions, Looking for Affirmative Steps Taken by Developers Last Thursday, the Planning Commission held an informational hearing to discuss the Zoning Administrator’s consideration of an […]

Building Energy Disclosure Requirements Postponed

On October 11, 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law AB 531, which amends Public Resources Code section 25402.10 (also known as AB 1103). AB 1103 was enacted in 2007 and […]

This Week in San Francisco Land Use – Oct. 2, 2009

Local Stimulus Plan Yesterday, the Mayor’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development yesterday sent a memorandum of its “development stimulus package” to the Board of Supervisors. If passed, the Legislation […]

REMINDER!  R&J green building event September 23

Reuben & Junius is sponsoring Constructing Green Building’s Legal Foundation: Regulatory Approaches and Practical Solutions for a Sustainable Future to be held Wednesday, September 23, 8:00 am – 11:00 am, […]

This Week In San Francisco Land Use – Sept. 10, 2009

Zoning Administrator Issues First Determination of Eligibility Under the Eastern Neighborhoods “Legitimization” Program As we have discussed in previous updates, the Eastern Neighborhoods (EN) plan created a new “legitimization” program […]

Have You Filed Your Property Tax Appeal?

The Opportunity In these challenging economic times, real estate owners are looking for creative ways to cut operating expenses. Reducing real estate taxes is one means to do so. Every […]

This Week In San Francisco Land Use – August 19, 2009

New Dwelling Unit Demolition Legislation Would Require One-for-One Replacement Yesterday, Supervisor Mirkarimi introduced a bill at the Board of Supervisors that would limit the Planning Commission’s discretion in approving dwelling […]