REMINDER!  R&J green building event September 23

Reuben & Junius is sponsoring Constructing Green Building’s Legal Foundation: Regulatory Approaches and Practical Solutions for a Sustainable Future to be held Wednesday, September 23, 8:00 am – 11:00 am, UC Hastings Law, 200 McAllister, Alumni Reception Center.

Almost overnight, green building has gone from a fringe movement to the center of the development world. Nationally, 14% of U.S. cities with populations of more than 50,000 have green building programs, and the number of counties with green building programs has grown nearly fourfold since 2003. But what are the legal implications of this rapid rise of green building regulations? And what are the risks for those in the development community who are forging ahead in new directions? This conference seeks to sort through these questions in a meaningful and practical way. For more information: “”

The conference is free to all. An RSVP to “” is requested, though not required.