This Week In San Francisco Land Use – Sept. 10, 2009

Zoning Administrator Issues First Determination of Eligibility Under the Eastern Neighborhoods “Legitimization” Program

As we have discussed in previous updates, the Eastern Neighborhoods (EN) plan created a new “legitimization” program that allows for land uses that were permitted prior to the EN rezoning but did not have the proper permits, and that are now not permitted due to EN rezoning, to be “legitimized” to receive the proper permits. Each legitimization applicant must obtain a determination of eligibility for the program from the Zoning Administrator (ZA), and the first one was issued this week.

The ZA issued a determination of eligibility for an office use at a property in a newly-zoned Urban Mixed Use zoning district (UMU). The property was formerly located in an M-1 zoning district, which permitted office without restrictions, and was rezoned to the UMU zoning district, which limits the property to a single floor of office space. The applicant provided a business registration, lease agreement and a former Planning Commission approval to support its case for eligibility.

This first determination letter provides a good example of a situation where it may be valuable to a property owner or tenant to lock in an office use that does not have proper permits and is no longer permitted under EN rezoning.

Green Building Insurance for Architects & Engineers Arrives

The insurance world is catching up to architects and engineers engaged in green building. Argo Insurance Group, based in San Francisco, has started offering liability insurance, underwritten by Lloyd’s of London, for architects and engineers covering both traditional and also “green” designs. Highlights of the coverage include: an exclusive green design endorsement; full retroactive coverage for past acts; computer aided drafting; mold and pollution; and punitive damages. Will other insurers follow suit? You can learn more about the policy at: “”

Trial Run of Market Street Traffic Restrictions Set to Go Into Effect September 29

The Chronicle reports this week that much-anticipated traffic restrictions on Market Street will go into effect on September 29. The six week trial will consist of banning eastbound traffic on Market Street, beginning at Sixth Street. Drivers will be encouraged to take a right at Tenth Street, and will be forced to turn at Eighth Street. Eastbound drivers entering at Seventh Street will be forced to turn at Sixth Street. Up next: public art displays in storefronts, and concerts and outdoor seating in the closed-off streets.
Read more at: “”

San Francisco Housing Action Coalition (SFHAC) Housing Hero Awards

SFHAC’s 7th annual Housing Hero Awards ceremony is at the Yerba Buena East Gardens on Wednesday, September 23 from 5-7 pm. Join SFHAC as they honor Planning Commission President Ron Miguel, Christina Olague and the rest of the 2009 SF Planning Commission.
Every year SFHAC recognizes exceptional individuals in the City with the Housing Hero Award for their commitment to helping build and promote housing solutions for ALL San Franciscans.

For more information: “”

To register:
“” or contact Kate Lefkowitz at “”