Medium-term, furnished rentals have been a part of San Francisco’s housing stock for many years. According to the Corporate Housing Providers Association, roughly 3,000 dwelling units in San Francisco – less than one percent of the City’s total housing – are used as intermediate length rentals. These types of rentals serve workers in higher education, healthcare, theater, and other industries, who are in town too long to stay in a traditional hotel but don’t need a full one-year lease. They also provide housing for long-term family visitors – grandparents helping with a newborn or relatives caring for a sick family member.
However, many affordable housing advocates, who view these rentals as competing with long-term housing for San Francisco residents, lined up at the Planning Commission last fall to protest them. Shortly after, Supervisor Aaron Peskin introduced legislation targeted at rental properties that require tenants to stay for at least 30 days in order to avoid short term rental regulations (See our prior coverage, New Legislation Aims to Limit “Intermediate Length” Rentals).
The legislation would amend the Planning Code to create a new Intermediate Length Occupancy (“ILO”) Residential Use Characteristic for dwelling units offered for occupancy of greater than 30 days but less than one year. It would also add a new Planning Code Section 202.10 to regulate those units. On January 14, 2020, substitute legislation was introduced which makes several changes to the original proposal. The substitute ordinance is available here.
While the original legislation allowed ILO units only in new construction of projects with at least 10 dwelling units, the substitute legislation would allow existing units to be eligible to be classified as ILO units unless the units are below market rate units built under the City’s Inclusionary Housing regulations or are subject to the Rent Control Ordinance. For buildings with nine or fewer units, requests to establish ILO use would be principally permitted so long as no more than 25% of the units in the building are classified as ILO. For buildings with 10 or more dwelling units, ILO units would require conditional use authorization, and no more than 20% of the units could be classified as ILO.
The substitute legislation further clarified that while ILO units could be offered for occupancy of one year or greater without losing the ILO use characteristic, ILO status would be considered abandoned if otherwise defined as abandoned under the Planning Code.
Finally, the revised legislation provides owners and operators of ILO units 24 months from the effective date of the ordinance to submit a complete application to establish the ILO use. The total number of ILO units Citywide would be capped at 1,000 – an increase above the 500-unit cap in the earlier legislation. While not labeled as interim controls, the intent of the legislation is to put in place a policy to regulate corporate housing while the data to be collected under the program is evaluated by the Controller’s Office. The legislation does not address grandfathering of existing ILO units, of which there are approximately 2,000 more than would be permitted by the 1,000 unit cap, but the 24 month compliance period established by the Ordinance indicates that existing units may not be grandfathered or exempt from the new ILO controls.”.
Residential hotels and student housing would still be exempt from Section 202.10 under the substitute legislation. Furthermore, the Rent Ordinance Amendments proposed in the original legislation would remain, except that the prohibition on non-tenant use, including use for a corporate entity’s own employees or licensees, and the requirement that online listings for units disclose that they are subject to the Rent Ordinance, would be effective April 1, 2020 instead of February 1, 2020.
The Planning Commission voted to recommend adoption of the substitute ordinance on January 30, 2020. We will continue to follow the evolution of these regulations as they move towards adoption by the Board of Supervisors and implementation by the Planning Department and Planning Commission.
Authored by Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP Attorney Jody Knight.
The issues discussed in this update are not intended to be legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established with the recipient. Readers should consult with legal counsel before relying on any of the information contained herein. Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP is a full service real estate law firm. We specialize in land use, development and entitlement law. We also provide a wide range of transactional services, including leasing, acquisitions and sales, formation of limited liability companies and other entities, lending/workout assistance, subdivision and condominium work.