This Week in San Francisco Land Use Nov. 18, 2009

2010 San Francisco Condo Conversion Lottery Tickets to Go on Sale November 23rd

The San Francisco Department of Public Works will begin selling tickets for the 2010 Condominium Conversion Lottery on Monday, November 23rd, in the office of the Bureau of Street Use and Mapping at 875 Stevenson Street, Room 410. The ticket cost is $250 per application. Ticket sales will end on Friday, January 22nd, 2010. The lottery drawing is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010.

Lottery information and applications may be obtained at the address referenced above, or at the DPW website: “” If you have any questions or need assistance with the lottery process, contact Jay Drake at “”

New Markets Tax Credits for Historic Rehabilitation Available

The National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC), the for-profit subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, was recently awarded $35 million in New Markets Tax Credits for investment in historic rehabilitation projects in low-income census tracts. NTCIC is looking for projects in need of such credits, and is especially targeting California for implementation. New Market Tax Credits could provide a valuable funding stream for projects with a historic component.

Qualifying projects are typically commercial in use, or mixed use residential/commercial. Projects typically have a community benefit component, such as affordable housing, office space for nonprofits, or retail that meets an indentified community need. NTCIC is particularly interested in projects that set aside at least half of the leasable space for the community benefit component. NTCIC is also focused on twinning the New Markets credit with the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit, which offers up to a 20% reimbursement of costs for qualifying rehabilitations of historic properties.

If you are interested and would like more information, feel free to contact Stephen R. Miller at Reuben & Junius, “,” or Brian Turner at the National Trust For Historic Preservation, “,” to learn more.

Historic Preservation Problems Ahead?

A year ago San Francisco voters passed Proposition J, creating a powerful new Historic Preservation Commission to rule on all land use issues that involve historic buildings. Many are now wondering just how powerful the new HPC is. A recent skirmish at the HPC over the North Beach library shows the Commission is not afraid to take a controversial stand. Will the HPC end up blocking renovation or replacement of firehouses, schools, or other middle-aged facilities that must kept be safe, useful, and disabled-accessible? Check out the recent article by Mat Smith in the SF Weekly…””

New Disciplinary Rules in Effect for Electrical Contractors Employing Uncertified Workers

For a number of years, California law has prohibited Class C-10-licensed electrical contractors from employing non-state-certified electricians. However, a new law that went into effect in July of this year adds specific disciplinary measures that the Contractors’ State License Board may take against offending contractors.

Disciplinary proceedings, including suspension or revocation of the class C-10 license, may be initiated when a contractor willfully employs an electrician that is not certified by the state and when a contractor does not adequately supervise an electrician whom they employ that is not certified by the state.

The purpose of the law is to ensure electricians that perform work requiring special skills are adequately trained. Contractors should be aware of this change in the law, and should make sure they are in compliance.

For more information on this new law, contact Joel Koppel with the San Francisco Electrical Construction Industry at “”

Real Estate Stimulus Hearing Schedule Reminder

The real estate development industry needs whatever help it can get these days. We support the Mayor’s stimulus package and urge you to voice your support at one of these upcoming hearings:

December 3 – Planning Commission
December 19 – Building Inspection Commission
January – Board of Supervisors Land Use and Economic Development Committee